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Posting the latest issue of The VOTER to the new LWVJoCo website


Save the newsletter file to the shared folder for website access:

The current issue of The VOTER (PDF document) must be saved in Google Drive — into the shared folder used to hold the past issues.

  • If received as an email attachment, use Gmail and select “save to Drive” in the attachment options.
  • In your Google Drive folder, you can right-click on the PDF file and select “move” to place the file in the appropriate folder, if it’s not already in that location.

Capturing a thumbnail image of the latest newsletter issue:

  1. In the shared Google Drive folder, locate the latest issue. Double-click the PDF. This opens the issue in a preview mode.
  2. Use your web browser’s settings to zoom in on the page. For example, in Google Chrome, select the three stacked bars at the top right corner and zoom out using the minus “-“ option until the full cover is displayed on the screen.
  3. Perform a “print screen” command. Often this is done using a button on the keyboard labeled “PrtScn’ or something similar. (Nothing happens that you can see at this time.)
  4. Open an image editing program such as Microsoft Paint. Paste the captured screen image (use Ctrl+V).
  5. In Microsoft Paint, select the “Select” button and draw a rectangle around the newsletter cover image. Then select the “Crop” button.
  6. Choose the “resize” option in the top menu. Set the vertical pixel dimension to 300 pixels. The horizontal pixel dimension should scale proportionally.
  7. Save the image file to your hard drive as a .jpeg document.

Post the new thumbnail image to the website:

  1. In WordPress, open the newsletter webpage for editing. Select the past issue thumbnail and delete it. In this same location, select “insert media” and upload the new file saved to your hard drive.
  2. Use the WordPress link tool to remove the hyperlink on the newly placed image.
  3. Return to your web browser tab that displays the PDF file in the Google Drive folder.
  4. Right-click on the latest issue and select “share.” Copy the hyperlink to the new issue. Use WordPress to add this link to the latest issue text on the webpage.